Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Windows Media Player Review

Windows Media Player

Growing up with windows platform, WMP had been an indispensable utility for me. I usually set it as my default .mp3 player.

It's simple and easy to use and I could easily rate songs and make playlists. One important plugin for a much richer audio experience is the DFX audio enhancer. It gives you better audio performance for your speaker and headphone and also higher volumes. Skins and visualizations are also available for download via the Microsoft website.

One thing that I'm disappointed though is that in video playback it tends to play darker pictures or high contrast videos as compared to a more vivid play by VLC.

In general it's a decent media player summarized with simplicity. If your an audiophile that wants more, you should probably consider more complex and advanced media players.

VLC vs. WMP Video Playback Comparison:


 To rate it from 1-5 stars:

Design: 4
Ease of use: 5
Visualizations: 4
Video Playback: 3.5

Download Media Player Add-on: WMP Download
Download DFX Audio Enhancer: DFX Download

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